N95 Mask Fit Test
What Is a Respirator Fit Test?
OSHA requires a Respirator Fit Test to ensure the efficacy of each mask in use by any employee while performing their job function to protect them from airborne hazards, including COVID-19.
The employer is responsible for a medical clearance that must be filled out by the employee prior to their annual Fit Test. Clearance of this evaluation by a healthcare provider is required to confirm respirator use is safe for that employee; https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/files/publications/OSHA3790.pdf
A convenient option is an online medical evaluation through 3M Science. A medical evaluation or clearance is not included with the fit test offered from Lifeline Training Center.
Lifeline Training Center offers:
On-site, at your workplace for six (6) or more employees (travel fees may apply) or at Lifeline Training Center for single person or group sessions (no travel fees).
The Respirator Fit Test helps to ensure your employees are protected from airborne hazards, including COVID-19. Lifeline has Qualitative Fit Testing (QLFT) with Saccharin (sweet taste) or Bitrex (bitter taste) Aerosol. This testing is scheduled for approximately 20-30 mins per person. Lifeline Training Center will keep testing records on file for up to five (5) years.
Each QLFT method uses seven exercises performed for 1 minute each:
- Normal breathing
- Deep breathing
- Moving head side to side
- Moving head up and down
- Bending over (or jogging in place if fit test unit does not permit bending at the waist)
- Talking
- Normal breathing again
Your Responsibilities on the day of Fit Testing, we ask that you do the following:
- Designate a main point of contact (for group workplace sessions)
- Provide a clean and private space, a table, and a few chairs. (for group workplace sessions)
- Remind employees to bring the respirators they will wear on the job to their fit test.
- OSHA requires we fit test the employee for that respirator. We will need make and model information.
- No Facial Hair that interferes with mask seal.
- No eating, gum, candy, drinks (except water), or smoking at least 15 mins before testing.
Individual N95 Mask Fit Test; $35
Groups up to 12 people for N95 Mask Fit Test; $300
Bring your own mask to be tested or we have a small supply of 3M Aura Particulate Respirator 9205+ N95; $4 ea