Wilderness First Aid; 8hrs or 16hrs

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Why Take Wilderness First Aid?

Wilderness First Aid is a community level class designed for when 911 is an hour or more away in remote locations.  Time is the essential element distinguishing wilderness first aid from standard first aid. When calling 911 is not an immediate option, or when help could be an hour or even days away, the task of managing the injured and the ill will challenge you beyond basic first-aid knowledge, and require the skills you will learn in this course.

Long hikes, extended lengths of rivers, large expanses of ocean, and miles of asphalt may separate the patient from a medical facility. You may have to endure heat or cold, rain, wind, or darkness.

The equipment needed for treatment and evacuation may have to be improvised from what’s available, and communication with the “outside world” may be limited—or even nonexistent. Remote locations and harsh environments may require creative treatments. All of this comes into play being a wilderness first aider.

This course is an intensive course which offers a lot of hands-on practice through scenarios, case studies and simulations. Students will constantly be both indoors and outdoors for simulations and practice, regardless of the weather, barring severe inclement weather. Come to class prepared for the weather, as we spend a lot of time outdoors training.

Course Cost: $160 – $225
Course Length: (must attend all required hours and skills)
8 hour – First Aid Course with a Wilderness Focus
16 hour – Wilderness First Aid with CPR Course
Certificate: 2 years (offered in May and October)

Upcoming Events

Event Date
Wilderness First Aid; 16 hrs
  • Tuesday, April 29th, 2025 8:00 am
First Aid Course with Wilderness Focus; 8 hour
  • Friday, May 30th, 2025 8:00 am
First Aid Course with Wilderness Focus; 8 hour
  • Tuesday, October 7th, 2025 8:00 am
Wilderness First Aid; 16 hrs
  • Tuesday, October 28th, 2025 8:00 am